Saturday, November 30, 2019

PSY101 memories Essay Example

PSY101 memories Paper George Miller found that the average person is able to keep about ____ digits in mind at a time. seven When an old piece of information interferes with your proactive The memory problem called retroactive interference happens when leaning new information interferes with your memory of old information. Tim can remember what he had for lunch yesterday. This is an example of aan episodic memory. Explicit memory, also called ____ memory, can be clearly stated or explained declarative The memory of how to perform a task is implicit memory Endel Tulving, the cognitive psychologist, classifies memories according to the type of information stored. The two types of explicit memory described by Tulving are semantic and episodic memory. The memory of things that happen to us or occur in our life are referred to as episodic memory. Abe and Rose, who have been married for 13 years, are discussing the episodic Your recollection of the humiliating lecture you received after you were episodic Recall of what your professor said in class and recall of what you wore that day are semantic and episodic General knowledge of history, algebra, and literature refers to ____ memory. semantic The type of memory one would use to remember the seven wonders of the semantic memory. When stating I know. you are referring to a(n) ____ memory semantic; episodic In-line skating and tap dancing skills would be stored in ____ memory. implicit The distinction between semantic and procedural memory is what it was and how one did it. Which of the following is most likely to remain firmly embedded in how to swim Tracy took tennis lessons when she was very young but had not implicit Once we have learned the multiplication tables the recall of 6 times 6 is priming The story about a woman with amnesia who was able to dial her mothers implicit ____ memory is recalling information that was previously learned Retrospective; prospective Which of the following use prospective memory? none of the above The memory that tends to fail when we are feeling stressed, distracted, and prospective memory. Which of the following is not a type of prospective memory? knowledge-based tasks. Which of the following causes a decline in both prospective and retrospective memory? aging The process of changing information so that we can place it in memory is called encoding. The stages of information processing in memory are encoding, storage, and retrieval Jason, straining his eyes on the deck of a ship, is trying to memorize distant visual code. Which of the following is not a psychological format that can be sensory code Which of the following could be used to store The Star Spangled Banner song acoustic code What type of code represents stimuli in terms of their meaning? semantic code Ludwig, a cellist, is memorizing a musical composition by heart without reference to acoustic code. Mimi is memorizing the Bill of Rights in relation to the legal cases in semantic code. ____ means maintaining information over time. Storage Mentally repeating a list or saying it to yourself refers to maintenance rehearsal By mentally repeating a telephone number after looking it up for the maintenance rehearsal While doing his homework, Joe noticed that he was having difficulty with metamemory. Our awareness of the functioning of our memory is defined by psychologists as metamemory. Extending the semantic meaning of something you already know refers to elaborative rehearsal. Using the phrase Elvis Guitar Broke Down on Friday to remember the elaborative rehearsal. The process of locating and returning information to consciousness is retrieval. Locating stored information and returning it to consciousness is retrieval. The correct order of events in memory processing is encoding, storage, and retrieval Sofia is taking a chemistry exam. She has not studied conscientiously for encoding failure Roberto is taking a physics exam. Although he has studied thoroughly information retrieval The process by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved is called memory. Atkinson and Shiffrin proposed the three stages of memory referred to as sensory, short-term, and long-term n the Atkinson and Shiffrin stages of memory, the progress of information determines whether and how long information is retained. The eyes fixate from point to point several times each second. This is called saccadic eye movements. While Tanya is visiting the pet store she looks down an aisle and catches both a and b Humans experience a stream of consciousness rather than discrete sensory memory briefly holds perceptions, making them seem connected. The stage of memory that first encounters stimuli is called sensory. If an image of Abraham Lincolns face was flashed on memory trace. The turn of the century psychologist McDougall found four or five letters in a single fixation In 1960, George Sperling modified McDougalls method of ____ whole-report procedure; partial-report procedure George Sperlings experiment determined that both a and b. The significance of Sperlings partial-report procedure study is sensory Psychologist believe that we possess a sensory register for each of our sensory systems. Mental representations of visual stimuli are referred to as ____ icons; iconic Another term for photographic memory is eidetic imagery. Photographic memory involves iconic memory and eidetic imagery. What causes the flow of visual information to iconic memory Visual experience appears as a smooth and continuous iconic memory; saccadic eye movements You are taking notes, while listening to a lecture echoes; echoic Visual images are to ____ memory as auditory images are to iconic; echoic The sensory register that holds the mental representations echoic memory. Memory traces of sounds decay more slowly than those of visual stimuli. The memory that enables one to hold information for both a and b. One will generally encode visual stimuli into auditory both a and b Visual stimuli are most commonly retained in short-term memory by encoding visual stimuli as sounds that can be rehearsed Aaron has just been given a telephone number of a around 10 seconds Dana can only remember a few of the first and last items on her serial-position effect. Information at the beginning and end of a list tends to be more easily recalled than serial-position effect. Jim had received driving directions to his destination from the middle of the sequence. Paul can only remember the conclusions of his speech. This is an example of the serial-position effect. Amy is trying to remember her social security number, while Rehearse the set of numbers keeping them in the 3 chunks format. According to George Miller the number of pieces of information the average person can easily recall after a single exposure. After a single presentation, Megan can recall her friends chunking The typical maximum number of chunks of information that can be held is seven. The telephone number of Brads financial services firm is it consists of only two chunks of information that are meaningfully related to his business. The ability to remember the letters of the alphabet or the words in the rote memory. Mechanical association learning used by an actor to memorize his lines rote memory. Preventing rehearsal can ____ information contained in short-term memory. reduce The appearance of new information in short-term memory limited. The process by which new information displaces older information in the capacity of short-term memory is variable According to Atkinson and Shiffren, the third stage of information processing is long-term memory. Which of the following statements would Freud disagree with Our ideas and perceptions may appear lost because they were never properly encoded. The evidence for the popular idea that all of our experiences are arguable. The way in which we conceptualize our worlds, our beliefs, and o schemas. Rosalind, a forward on the womens basketball team, has invited Bryce She does not fit his schema of her dresses. A person that reconstructs their experience according to their prejudices is allowing a schema to influence their recall. Loftus and Palmer showed people a film of a car crash and then asked them to smashed into The idea that long-term memories are recollections of a car crash can be influenced by the way in which it is labeled. All of the following are problems with eyewitness testimony EXCEPT Children make better witnesses because they are less suggestible than adults. Elizabeth Loftus research on eyewitness memory suggests that memory All of the above According to Elizabeth Loftus, the most significant cause of memory is misleading information Experts suggest that witnesses to a crime contaminate their own memory of the event. The Lost in the Mall study illustrated that both a and b Which of the following is NOT true regarding long-term memory? There is a tendency to replace new information with old information. Danielle, a college senior, is trying to remember the names she has not yet found the cues that will help her retrieve the information from long-term memory A psychology student wants to know how to remember the elaborative The difference between rote learning and meaningful learning is maintenance rehearsal and elaborative rehearsal. Some language arts teachers like to say, Another language, another soul. The elaborative rehearsal. While studying for an astronomy exam, Haley realizes that the swirling motion of elaborative rehearsal. Craik and Lockhart argue that memory storage and recall depends upon the ____ depth The ____ model of memory proposes that memory consists of levels-of-processing Henry learned that the word diplomat originates from two Greek stems elaborative rehearsal What is meant by the word deeply in the statement All of the above Which of the following is an example of processing new information deeply. both a and b Susan, Judd, and Melanie work at a music store in the mall Judd The mnemonic device i before e except after c is based upon a(n) semantic code Benjamin can remember exactly where he was and what he was doing flashbulb memory. Emotionally charged events that arrest public interest, like the attacks of flashbulb memories. The vivid, detailed recollection of what you were doing when you learned about flashbulb memory. Flashbulb memories seem vivid for Dramatic events stimulate the brain to produce exact or photographic memories. Which of the following is true regarding long-term memory organization? All of the above ____ is formed in long-term memory by organizing information into groups Hierarchical structure Using the hierarchical structure of your long-term memory of All of the above Evan met Lesley at a party last week. He sees her again a few weeks after tip of the tongue phenomenon. Zelda is trying to remember the name of the actor who played the lead in the tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) phenomenon. One conclusion of Brown and McNeils classic study of the acoustic and semantic codes. Some of the participants in the Brown and McNeil TOT experiments proved to incomplete or imperfect learning. Research suggests that our memories of the past are people tend to seek out positive events and avoid negative ones Evidence from a number of studies demonstrates that recall is ____ worse; context-dependent Jill prefers to study for tests in the classroom where the tests are context-dependant Jennie returned to her elementary school when she was visiting her context-dependent memory Detective Rawlings asked Harry, a witness to a mugging, to mentally reconstruct the context-dependent memory Dà ©jà   vu is an example of ____ memory. context-dependant One afternoon Amanda could not remember where she left her purse. In the state-dependent memory In the effects of mood on memory, a happy mood may evoke state-dependent memory. Brooke drinks so much coffee that she Drink enough coffee to give herself the jitters again The classic studies that first made use of nonsense syllables in the study of Hermann Ebbinghaus. Remembering nonsense syllables is difficult because they are acoustic coding and maintenance rehearsal. A student taking a multiple-choice exam generally relies on the ____ recognition n preparing for the 40th high school reunion, Jill and Ed correctly identified recognition. In taking the position that only fill-in-the-blank tests are suitable for recall The memory task for most of the items in a multiple-choice test, such as recognition. Nonsense syllables are sometimes arranged as paired associates, recall. The paired associates task is used to measure the ____ memory task. recall Peter, a participant in a paired associate learning experiment, noted that both semantic and acoustic encoding The difference between the number of times required to learn savings. The concept of method of savings was developed by Ebbinghaus to study relearning In Ebbinghauss classic curve of forgetting, the greatest memory loss occurs most rapidly just after the material is initially learned Forgetting that occurs because new information inhibits the retrieval of interference theory. According to interference theory we forget material because a and b only Joy just learned to speak French, but she notices retroactive interference. Beatrice took four years of Spanish in high school. In college she studied retroactive interference At college Jim is learning to speak French, but he keeps using proactive interference. George just bought a new laptop computer after years of using a proactive interference. Which of the following statements is true regarding Freuds concept of repression? All of the above Psychoanalysts believe that dissociative amnesia involves repression. Freds history professor exhibits traits similar to those of repression. Bill recently found out that when he was a child his dog, which he thought was repression. The lack of support for the existence of recovered memories is based on Both a and b Freud discovered that many patients could not recall episodes that infantile The text presents several methods to improve memory skills. Which Avoid using familiar associations. In the Method of Loci, the material to be learned is associated with familiar images. The memory strategy called ____ relies on forming associations by linking two items mediation Mnemonic devices can incorporate chunks of information into a format such as all of the above A psychoanalytical explanation of infantile amnesia would include a and b only Which of the following is a physiological factor contributing to infantile amnesia? both b and c Jessica was upset because she was unable to remember her 4th birthday party a or b In ____ amnesia, there are memory lapses for the period following a trauma anterograde Anterograde amnesia interferes with many memory processes such as all of the above One of the symptoms of anterograde amnesia is a failure to establish memories after the injury, but a preservation of memories prior to the injury. Bill was in an automobile accident. The events just prior to the accident are still a retrograde Which of the following is a cognitive factor associated with infantile amnesia? Infants do not reliably use language to symbolize or classify events. In ____ amnesia, the trauma prevents patients from remembering events that retrograde The surviving bodyguard in Princess Dianas car was unable to recall retrograde amnesia. The clinical effects of head trauma suggest a period of consolidation ____ are viewed as electrical circuits in the brain that correspond to memory traces. Engrams In searching for the engram, Karl Lashley was in reality looking for the biological memory. Which of the following are thought to be involved in the biochemical process of both a and b Research on the biology of memory involving the visual cortex of memories may have neural correlates at specific sites When sea snails, such as Aplysia and Hermissenda, are conditioned, serotonin The enhanced efficiency in a synapse after brief rapid stimulation that makes long-term potentiation. Low levels of ____ are correlated with memory loss in Alzheimers disease. acetylcholine All of the following naturally occurring chemical substances have been adrenaline and noradrenaline. The structural changes in the brain that take place with the formation of hippocampus. Joe is a long-term alcoholic who has great difficulty storing new information in hippocampus After a stroke destroyed a large area of his frontal lobe, Dwight was less able to integrate place and time. It appears that storage bins for long-term memories are located in different brain areas. What part of the memory system is the prefrontal cortex thought to play? executive center After an industrial accident in which he experienced a penetrating hippocampus. Damage to the ____ disrupts the formation of ____ memories thalamus; verbal

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Transport in Paris essays

Transport in Paris essays Paris has suffered from serious congestion and pollution problems in the past due to the sheer volume of traffic within the city centre. Many different policies and projects have been introduced to try and battle some of these problems and find a solution which will suit the French public yet still effectively reduce the amount of cars on the road and hence improving the environment through this. All world cities face similar problems of congestion and overcrowding. Renovating and expanding public transport services require new ways of thinking about how to finance them and how to engage local people in their development. As an historic and dynamic world city with a population of over 2 million, Paris faces many challenges in delivering quick, efficient and economically priced transport for all its citizens. In central Paris the automobile plays a significant role, on the 20 mile long inner belt freeway, called Boulevard Peripherique, traffic is extremely heavy, with almost 2 million motorists using it everyday, not counting vans and trucks. Transportation surveys from 1991 to 1997 showed that the number of car trips in the Paris regions has increased from 14.4 million to 17 million. 1. The number of transit trips (train, metro and bus) has remained the same at 6.7 million. 2. Paris is the densest region in Europe, yet the automobile now accounts for 70% of daily tr ips and public transportation accounts for less than 30%. The Paris region dominated the production of cars from the early 1960s, Paris had over a 1/3 of the total jobs in the car industry in 1962 and this had increased to half of the total jobs in 1975 The main problem in Paris is unauthorised parking which must be reduced, this will make it possible, not only to reduce all private car travel, but also to achieve more efficient operation of the bus network, accompanied by greater comfort for pedestrians and cyclists and the deliver...

Friday, November 22, 2019

SAT Essay Prompts The Complete List

SAT Essay Prompts The Complete List SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips On every SAT Essay, you'll have to read an argument meant to persuade a broad audience and discuss how well the author argues his or her point. The passage you'll have to read will change from test to test, but you'll always need to analyze the author's argument and write a coherent and organized essay explaining this analysis. In this article, we've compiled a list of the 14 real SAT essay prompts that the College Board has released (either in The Official SAT Study Guide or separately online) for the new SAT. This is the most comprehensive set of new SAT essay prompts online today. At the end of this article, we'll also guide you through how to get the most out of these prompts and link to our expert resources on acing the SAT essay. I'll discuss how the SAT essay prompts are valuable not just because they give you a chance to write a practice essay, but because of what they reveal about the essay task itself. Overview SAT essay prompts always keep to the same basic format. Not only is the prompt format consistent from test to test, but what you're actually asked to do (discuss how an author builds an argument) also remains the same across different test administrations. The College Board's predictability with SAT essay helps students focus on preparing for the actual analytical task, rather than having to think up stuff on their feet. Every time, before the passage, you'll see the following: As you read the passage below, consider how [the author] uses evidence, such as facts or examples, to support claims. reasoning to develop ideas and to connect claims and evidence. stylistic or persuasive elements, such as word choice or appeals to emotion, to add power to the ideas expressed. And after the passage, you'll see this: "Write an essay in which you explain how [the author] builds an argument to persuade [her/his] audience that [whatever the author is trying to argue for]. In your essay, analyze how [the author] uses one or more of the features listed in the box above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of his argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage. Your essay should not explain whether you agree with [the author]'s claims, but rather explain how [the author] builds an argument to persuade [her/his] audience." Now that you know the format, let's look at the SAT essay prompts list. 14 Official SAT Essay Prompts The College Board has released a limited number of prompts to help students prep for the essay. We've gathered them for you here, all in one place. We'll be sure to update this article as more prompts are released for practice and/or as more tests are released. SPOILER ALERT: Since these are the only essay prompts that have been released so far, you may want to be cautious about spoiling them for yourself, particularly if you are planning on taking practice tests under real conditions. This is why I've organized the prompts by the 10 that are in the practice tests (so you can avoid them if need be), the ones that are available online as sample prompts, and the ones that are in the text of the Official SAT Study Guide (Redesigned SAT), all online for free. Practice Test Prompts These 10 prompts are taken from the practice tests that the College Board has released. Practice Test 1: "Write an essay in which you explain how Jimmy Carter builds an argument to persuade his audience that the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge should not be developed for industry." Practice Test 2: "Write an essay in which you explain how Martin Luther King Jr. builds an argument to persuade his audience that American involvement in the Vietnam War is unjust." Practice Test 3: "Write an essay in which you explain how Eliana Dockterman builds an argument to persuade her audience that there are benefits to early exposure to technology." Practice Test 4: "Write an essay in which you explain how Paul Bogard builds an argument to persuade his audience that natural darkness should be preserved." Practice Test 5: "Write an essay in which you explain how Eric Klinenberg builds an argument to persuade his audience that Americans need to greatly reduce their reliance on air-conditioning." Practice Test 6: "Write an essay in which you explain how Christopher Hitchens builds an argument to persuade his audience that the original Parthenon sculptures should be returned to Greece." Practice Test 7: "Write an essay in which you explain how Zadie Smith builds an argument to persuade her audience that public libraries are important and should remain open" Practice Test 8: "Write an essay in which you explain how Bobby Braun builds an argument to persuade his audience that the US government must continue to invest in NASA." Practice Test 9: "Write an essay in which you explain how Todd Davidson builds an argument to persuade his audience that the US government must continue to fund national parks." Practice Test 10: "Write an essay in which you explain how Richard Schiffman builds an argument to persuade his audience that Americans need to work fewer hours." Special note: The prompt for Practice Test 4 also appears on the College Board's site with real sample essays written in response. If you've written a practice essay for practice test 4 and want to see what essays of different score levels look like for that particular prompt, you can go there and look at eight real student essays. within darkness by jason jenkins, used under CC BY-SA 2.0/Resized from original. Free Online Practice This prompt comes from the College Board website. "Write an essay in which you explain how Dana Gioia builds an argument to persuade his audience that the decline of reading in America will have a negative effect on society." This prompt comes from Khan Academy, where it is listed as an alternate essay prompt to go along with Practice Test 2: "Write an essay in which you explain how Leo W. Gerard builds an argument to persuade his audience that American colleges and universities should be affordable for all students." The Official SAT Study Guide 2020 The Official SAT Study Guide (editions published in 2015 and later available online for free) contains all 10 of the previously mentioned practice tests at the end of the book. In the section about the new SAT essay, however, there are two additional sample essay prompts (accompanied by articles to analyze). Sample Prompt 1: "Write an essay in which you explain how Peter S. Goodman builds an argument to persuade his audience that news organizations should increase the amount of professional foreign news coverage provided to people in the United States." Sample Prompt 2: "Write an essay in which you explain how Adam B. Summers builds an argument to persuade his audience that plastic shopping bags should not be banned." hey thanks by Jonathan Youngblood, used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped and resized from original. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! How Do You Get the Most Out of These Prompts? Now that you have all the prompts released by the College Board, it's important to know the best way to use them. Make sure you have a good balance between quality and quantity, and don't burn through all 14 of the real prompts in a row- take the time to learn from your experiences writing the practice essays. Step By Step Guide on How to Practice Using the Article #1: Understand how the SAT essay is graded. #2: Follow along as we write a high-scoring SAT essay, step by step. #3: Plan a set of features you'll look for in the SAT essay readings and practice writing about them fluidly. This doesn't just mean identifying a technique, like asking a rhetorical question, but explaining why it is persuasive and what effect it has on the reader in the context of a particular topic. We have more information on this step in our article about 6 SAT persuasive devices you can use. #4: Choose a prompt at random from above, or choose a topic that you think is going to be hard for you to detach from (because you'll want to write about the topic, rather than the argument) set timer to 50 minutes and write the essay. No extra time allowed! #5: Grade the essay, using the official essay rubric to give yourself a score out of 8 in the reading, analysis, and writing sections. #6: Repeat steps 4 and 5. Choose the prompts you think will be the hardest for you so that you can so that you're prepared for the worst when the test day comes #7: If you run out of official prompts to practice with, use the official prompts as models to find examples of other articles you could write about. Startby looking for op-ed articles in online news publications like The New York Times, The Atlantic, LA Times, and so on. For instance, the passage about the plastic bag ban in California (Official SAT Study Guide sample essay prompt 2, above) has a counterpoint here- you could try analyzing and writing about that article as well. Any additional articles you use for practice on the SAT essay must match the following criteria: ideally 650-750 words, although it'll be difficult to find an op-ed piece that's naturally that short. Try to aim for nothing longer than 2000 words, though, or the scope of the article is likely to be wider than anything you'll encounter on the SAT. always argumentative/persuasive. The author (or authors) is trying to get readers to agree with a claim or idea being put forward. always intended for a wide audience. All the information you need to deconstruct the persuasiveness of the argument is in the passage. This means that articles with a lot of technical jargon that's not explained in the article are not realistic passage to practice with. What's Next? We've written a ton of helpful resources on the SAT essay. If you're just getting started, we recommend beginning with our top SAT essay tips for a quick overview of the essay task and what you need to know. A little more familiar with the SAT essay but still not quite sure how to write one? Follow along with our step-by-step guide to writing the SAT essay. Looking to earn a high score? Learn what it takes to get the highest score possible on the SAT essay here. Plus, if you want a reference linking you to all of our great articles on the SAT essay, be sure to check out our ultimate SAT essay guide. Want to improve your SAT score by 160points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes your prep program to your strengths and weaknesses. We also have expert instructors who can grade every one of your practice SAT essays, giving feedback on how to improve your score. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Researching Information for Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Researching Information for Business - Essay Example The data that is well indicated on the excel sheet shows that on given average 23 percent of this house holds was from the name items above. Inconspicuous gadgets like the routers have not been mentioned and this paper will give weight where it matters. It is believed that electricity consumptions in United Kingdom have recently grown tremendously and the need to meet this gap still remains a nightmare. Focusing on increased consumer electronics has begged for a 25 percent of domestic electricity consumption, (Mintel, 2006). Television set has traditionally become a means of entertainment and has also been used by the media world to sell their adverts. The grid to catch the eyes of the consumer has made the television companies have a smile due to the high demand of this equipment’s. They have penetrated the recreation centers and as well as the bars, pubs, and the streets, (Coleman, Wright & Firth, 2012). Big advertising companies have taken the initiative to hit the road and meet the consumer at their work place, follow them to the streets and still meet them in the comforts of their homes. There has been a great increase in sales volumes from the year 2007 to the year 2011 showing a positive increase of 7 percent in the market response. These consumer able goods have been given other items that match the suit of entertainment. The video players have been on demands perhaps to catch the latest movies and series in the market, (Mintel, 2006). Parents have always been looking for ways and means to empty the high energy levels in their growing children. The have discovered that game consoles is another way to keep their children’s mind busy. The need for game consoles has given this parent a breathing space as the kids are now occupied with games during their leisure time, (Coleman, Wright & Firth, 2012). The parent can feel

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Is Google Making Us Stupid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Is Google Making Us Stupid - Essay Example The article of Nicholas Carr, â€Å"Is Google making us stupid? What the internet is doing to our brains,† argues that the Internet and other technologies have changed the modern generation. It has made many people lazy and changed the way people perform their daily life activities. Carr is right when he argues that the Internet and social networking sites have changed the way people think. This is because having access to information faster through the use of the Internet has contributed to significant changes. For instance, many students nowadays use Internet for carrying out research studies. They no longer use their brain to find solutions to the issues, but rather use Google to find information faster; thus Google is making students lazy and stupid (Carr 341). Technology is making the society move towards a positive, direction, but too much dependent on technology is creating more harm than good. Carr views many changes the Internet is causing as a loss rather than a bene fit; thus he raises awareness on the impact that the Internet is creating in the contemporary society. He attempts to reveal the way Internet is changing the ways students are writing and learning in the current generation. Carr reveals the way skills of many people have been eroded thus he says, â€Å"am not thinking the way I used to think† (Carr 340). Therefore, these changes have contributed to poor concentration in reading books; thus spending much time on the Internet. Although the Internet has contributed to positive changes, over reliance on the Internet has changed the way the brains of students function; thus affecting cognitive memory of the Internet users. The Internet has changed the way students perform their work in school; hence, many of them have become lazy because they cannot read books for a long time. The age of globalization, which is contributed by the increased technology development, has created more harm than good. Many students no longer perform eff ectively in school because many of them spend much time in social networking sites. Students also do not read hard because of much time spent on the Internet (Carr 340). Carr further argues that the Internet has changed the brain of many individuals; thus contributing to varied changes. For instance, Carr notices that many students cannot read books for more than one hour, and this has led to poor performances in many schools. This means that the minds of students have nowadays changed in that one cannot read a book for more than three pages before turning into the Internet. This has become just like an addict because many students cannot spend their entire day without using technology for varied activities. For instance, the increased social disorders that have risen are contributed due to more time spend on social networking sites and the Internet. Additionally, Carr notices that many students have become lazy because over dependent on the Internet for varied activities. Many stud ents do not work hard by reading their books, but rather spend time in the Internet or social networking sites. Google is making many of them lazy and stupid because they depend on the Internet for carrying out their research or assignments. Students do not spend their time in the libraries reading printed books because they believe that, with Google, everything is possible. They use Google for carrying out research work because it is easier and saves time than searching books from the library categories. Although, this is crucial because Google directs them to the required material, but it is making many students become lazy. Wellmon (78) argues that Google search engine is making us stupid or smart; thus giving way to complex and productive questions. Thus, the time students spend in social networking sites than books have impacted performance of many students in their various learning institutions. Internet has contributed to the new form of writing and reading styles. Many stude nts spend much of their time interacting with

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Psychology-Decision Making Essay Example for Free

Psychology-Decision Making Essay Abstract   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   How does it happen that managers take decisions which lead them to failures? What decision-making mechanisms do they inactivate when they take such decisions? This paper is aimed at analyzing these psychological implications. Psychology Decision Making   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Introduction  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is not rare that managers take decisions which lead them to failure. These failures often become the headlines and the top stories of newspapers and magazines. However, has anyone analyzed the psychological implications of such decisions? What psychological theories could explain such managers’ behavior, and what useful recommendations could be drawn from such cases?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Problem identification   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The case of Sears, when owned by Edward S. Lampert, is the most recent example of a large managerial mistake, having led to significant financial and economic losses. On January 29, 2008 Lampert pushed out his chief executive, but what is more important, he took decision to distance himself from the day-to-day management of his enterprise. â€Å"Until now, the heads of several major departments, like marketing and merchandising, reported directly to Mr. Lampert, even though he has no background in retailing or advertising† (Barbaro, 2008). It is crucial to understand, how Lampert came to the idea of day-to-day management of his enterprise, although he did not have enough professional skills for that    Theoretical background   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is stated, that â€Å"we are likely, social constructed individuals. Our experiences, our cultures, our social order, shape our motivations, our desires, and our beliefs about the world we encounter† (Plous, 1993). Our management decisions are shaped are also shaped under the impact of business environment and the objectives we expect to meet in our management activity. We tend to take decisions, which are primary based on our perception of the world around us (Connolly, 2000). One of the major problems in management decision making is in that a person can hardly be objective in taking decisions. The lack of objectivity leads to the situation, when we do not take into account multiple environmental factors, impacting our decisions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Evidently, there cannot be any better explanation to Lampert’s decision, that the self-perception theory. This theory deals with the human perceptions and the ways they incorporate their perceptions into their daily behavior (Plous, 1993). To be clear, Lampert’s expectations and beliefs into his managerial skills and the ability to cope with a large retail enterprise were not justified from the start. In this case, the major question to be answered was â€Å"what am I to do to make this enterprise profitable?† Trying to answer this question, and taking decisions in the discussed framework, Lampert has concluded that the best solution for the situation would be tying himself to the daily company’s activity. Moreover, it was not enough for him to stay ahead; he had to manage, but this decision lacked theoretical and practical foundations. This is how Lampert’s pseudo opinions impacted the overall performance of the company (Plous, 1993). Respondents are influenced by pseudo opinions when they do not know much about the issue or when they know nothing about it (Plous, 1993). In Lampert’s case, attribution heuristics has greatly contributed into the negative decision outcomes: Lampert was obviously justifying his behavior as situationally-produced. As a result, he has underestimated the lack of his managerial skills (Plous, 1993).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Critical thinking is the integral part of the decision making process. â€Å"Most international managers find it extremely challenging to evaluate a written or spoken commentary on a hot topic because both sides of the controversy seem to have good arguments† (Safi Burrell, 2007). Has Lampert’s decision been caused by critical thinking approach? Definitely, it has: for a long period of time, Sears was criticized for lacking a management team with retail experience and for Lampert’s being a micromanager who hampered the business (Barbaro, 2008). As a result, Lampert was driven to the situation in which he had to admit his managerial mistakes due to the two facts: the external criticism, and the objective financial data confirming the $14 million financial losses.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Recommendations   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The case of Edward S. Lampert is a brilliant example of a situation, in which successful manager has overestimated his skills and has not applied any critical thinking approach before the decision was made. As a result, numerous pseudo opinions and the lack of objective information have led to significant gaps in the company’s performance. In order to take a good decision, a manager must â€Å"understand, what result is desirable and the tools available to us for making good decisions† (Safi Burrell, 2007). There are several recommendations for a manager in similar situations. First, it is crucial that the manager avoids pseudo opinions. In this aspect, the wording of the question to answer is very important. In order to create effective decisions, managers must be able to formulate the questions. Properly wording the issue crucially impacts the effectiveness of the chosen answers, and as a result, the managerial activities which lead or do not lead to business success. â€Å"Be honest with yourself about the agendas and motives. Are you really gathering information to help you make a smart choice, or are you just looking for evidence confirming your preconceived notions?† (Safi Burrell, 2007). Not only objectivity and evaluation of one’s skills have led Sears to failure. It is also the inability to properly formulate the goals of such actions: what aims did Lampert have in his actions? Did he want to promote his enterprise profitability or himself as a successful manager? He had to answer those questions before he undertook any real actions which later almost pushed the company into the flow of negative consequences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In his decision to quit day-to-day management of Sears, Lampert has finally come to one of the crucial elements in the decision-making process: he was able to recall the key facts and decision-making variables. The list of these variables included financial indices and persistent criticism of Sears’ performance. As a result, Lampert was finally able to take the best decision possible in the problematic situation. However, it is still unclear whether hiring a new CEO was based on any objective grounds or would require thorough re-consideration in the nearest future. One may hope that this re-consideration will not be caused by a new management decision-making failure. References Barbaro, M. (2008). Sears’ chairman will take a step back. The New York Times. Retrieved February 1, 2008 from Connolly, T. (2000). Judgment and decision making: An interdisciplinary reader. Cambridge University Press. Plous, S. (1993). The Psychology of judgment and decision making. McGraw-Hill. Safi, A. Burrell, D.N. (2007). Developing advanced decision-making skills in international leaders and managers. Vikalpa, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 1-8.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Horatios Role In Hamlet :: essays research papers

Horatio’s role in the play Hamlet, which was written by William Shakespeare, is extremely important. In the first place, Horatio was the person who told Hamlet about the ghost. He also had the job of watching Claudius while the play was going on in order to see if he showed his guilt. Lastly, at the end of the play, Horatio had to tell everyone the truth about Hamlet. Hamlet could not do it himself because he died along with eight other characters.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hamlet would never have known about the ghost of Old Hamlet if it were not for Horatio. Marcellus and Bernado, who were only guards; they sought the advice of Horatio in order that he would also see this apparition. Since Horatio was such a good friend of Hamlet’s, he was the one chosen to tell him. â€Å"†¦Let us impart what we have seen tonight Unto young Hamlet; for, upon my life, This spirit, dumb to us, will speak to him.† (I, , l 180-187) Horatio, then told Hamlet the news about the ghost of Old Hamlet and that is when the whole drama of the play began. Hamlet states, â€Å"†¦I pray you all, If you have hitherto concealed this sight, let it be tenable in your silence still;†(I, iii, L 269-270) This scene is also significant because Horatio is the only other person who not only saw the ghost but knew what he told Hamlet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the ghost told young Hamlet what happened, Hamlet had to design a plan to figure out if the ghost was from heaven or hell. He then decided to use â€Å"the players† as bait in order to see how the King acted to the play. After the plan was in place, Hamlet asked Horatio to join him and watch his uncle during the play in order to see his reaction Claudius’s reaction was clear, â€Å"Give me some light. Away!† (III, ii, L 295) This reinforces Hamlet’s observations about the King’s guilt. Horatio then gives news back to Hamlet about the Kings reaction. Now, Hamlet may plan his revenge.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hamlet decided to kill Claudius while he was doing something evil. When Hamlet finally had the chance to kill him, he thought to himself, â€Å"And now I’ll do’t. And so he goes to heaven, And so am I That would be scanned: A villain kills my father, and for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain send to heaven.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Argumentative text about education at home Essay

Education means school, classrooms and annoying teachers- for me. But it does not mean this any more. There is an increasing number of parents now who teaches their children at home. Education at home has advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that children can study flexible. Their parents can give them a different timetable every day to make studying more interesting. Secondly the children won’t be affected by criminal classmates and wouldn’t learn bad things. But there are disadvantages too. First of all, children could finally feel lonely if they study at home every day. At school, they would study together and have fun in the break with other students. That’s an easy way for children to find friends. However, studying at home with their parents, children may hard find a friend. see more:paragraph writing on my school Secondly, children might find it difficult to work with others, because they’re used to study or work alone. But sometimes you have to work with colleagues as a group in your job. But if you have problems with team members, you could lose your job. Finally, children could be worse in their study, comparing with children who have classes at school. Their parents can not give a guarantee, the quality of education of their children. Sure, there are many people who graduated from university but that does not mean that they are good teachers. In addition, parents also have to focus on their work, which means they can’t spend all day with the education of their children. In conclusion, children can learn more and have a lot of friends when they go to school. Furthermore, children can also easily deal with a team work. Therefor parents shouldn’t assume a huge responsibility to teach their children at home.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How to Plan a Party Process Essay Essay

Parties are to commemorate special events and memorable occasions. However, what makes a party worthwhile and a happy occasion for both the host and his guests is perfect planning for such an event. Planning a surprise birthday party can be fun and exciting. The anticipation that the planner feels waiting for the reaction of the birthday person brings as much, if not more joy, than the actual birthday person’s acknowledgement of the party. Organization is a major key for things to run smoothly so when planning a party, there are many important details to be remembered: setting, theme and decorations, menu, guest list, entertainment plan and r.s.v.p The First step is to decide on the date, place, and time of the party. Most parties take place on the weekends for the convenience of working class; however, if permitted you can have a party scheduled during the week. Be sure that the party does not conflict with the birthday person’s schedule, because they have priority. Once you have picked a date and time check to make sure your location will be available. Try choosing a place that you know your guest of honor will love, such as a favorite park or familiar hang out spot or even a place that has special sentimental value for the person. After you have confirmed that the date, place, and time are all available, it is time to choose a theme you would like to have. The theme is  where you get ideas for your decorations, invitations, and even games. The theme is especially crucial when sending out invitations. Depending on what the invitation says it can tell your guest what type of party to expect, for example water party, s kate, costume, etc. So you want to be sure that both your theme and invitation match up. When choosing a theme be sure it is age appropriate and that everyone will feel neutral about. Once chosen, buy decorations to match. After choosing a theme it will be time to decide on a menu, which should be the easiest part of all. Finger foods are always a great route to go, because they are simple and you have a wide range to pick from. However if budget is an issue you can prepare simple platters such as fruit plates, sandwich trays, cheese and cracker trays, and vegetable trays. If you’re throwing a party for a younger age group chips and hot dogs are always a winner. This is also the time to order the cake. The cake should match the theme or be a symbol of the birthday person’s favorite character or hobby; also you should provide a variety of drinks. The next step is choosing a guest list. When choosing this list, it is crucial to invite only those who you are sure the birthday fellow will enjoy. By inviting people whose company is unwanted drama is likely to follow. Also keep in mind that you can never invite too many people, because more than likely half will not show up and those who do just might bring a friend along. To ensure your guests will have a jolly time, have great entertainment plan. DJ’s are generally a great choice where they allow guests to enjoy their favorite songs, but they can be costly. However, if you need entertainment that fits your budget better try planning games such as, pin the tail on the donkey, hide and seek, dominoes, spades, and pià ±ata. So use your imagination and be creative, also improvise whenever needed. Finally, send out your invites be sure to include an r.s.v.p with a deadline. Make sure the deadline is at least a week before the party. This will allow you time to make changes if necessary. Include an end note informing your guest that food and drinks will be provided. Once your r.s.v.p. deadline has come, you can decide if you need to order more or less food and party favors. To sum up, planning a birthday party is simple; it just requires time and dedication. Not only are they simple, but they can be quite inexpensive so long as you budget properly. If you follow these steps, your planning will go stress and hassle free. And as you run over a few last minute details and await the arrival of guest, relax and breathe; your party will have a great turn out and be the talk of the town.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Process Essay

Process Essay Process Essay Process Essay We Are Learning to Describe Correctly! Im absolutely curious person from the early childhood. There was not a case in our house when I stood still without poking my nose into some affair. When the microwave worked, I always tried to unlock the panel and look inside of the oven. When the washing machine laundered our dirty clothes, I always want to open the hatch and touch the barrel in the epicenter of centrifuge. I even tried to dismantle our fringe just to understand its function of cooling the food. In other words, I was interested in the processes of the work, when these devices were exploited. Probably, when you are writing the process essay you should use the same approach to human curiosity: Process Essay: The Purpose and the Structure. Actually, the purpose of process essay is quite obvious: to describe the process of some phenomenon or happening correctly. In other words, in your work you pay special attention to the process and its features, supporting your report by facts and solid arguments. It means that to describe the process correctly you have to understand the process from within and it would be better, if you find out the process directly, in practice. There are some principles in the working with process essay: Think about the plan of your description it could be a simple outline, that helps you to display the process gradually; Begin your description with the main thesis, and then illustrate the process in details; Use the method Step-by-Step when you describe the process. Divide your process essay on some phases for the simplicity; You could present your work as the process direction essay just to explain the purpose, stages and practical needs of describing process. Do not forget to describe both the aim of each stage and the whole process Conclude your work and make the appropriate outcome. Process Essay: The Final Result. As you can see there are no serious difficulties in the working with process essay. I think that every person could describe any process just using the above-mentioned tips. Also, you may give your readers some usual advice, concerned with your process essay topic. In addition, if it possible, you could raise the specific questions about the topic it will be a good precondition for discussion and debates. Anyway, show your skills of fantasy your task is to interest the reader and attract the attention to your essay by all means. Read also: Creation Paper Cause Effect Papers Writing a College Term Paper Great Expectations Essay Great Essays

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Cancelación de visa por quedarse en EE.UU. más tiempo

Cancelacià ³n de visa por quedarse en EE.UU. ms tiempo Una de las formas ms frecuentes de  revocacià ³n o  cancelacià ³n una visa americana ocurre cuando un extranjero ingresa a Estados Unidos con una visa no inmigrante y prolonga su estancia ms all del tiempo de lo permitido. Asimismo, los turistas de paà ­ses incluidos en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados,–entre ellos Chile y Espaà ±a– y bajo el cual sus ciudadanos pueden ingresar a EE.UU. sin visa por un tiempo mximo de 90 dà ­as, pierden este privilegio si exceden su estadà ­a ms all de esos tres meses. Revocacià ³n visa por estancia ilegal en EE.UU. La presencia en EE.UU. ms all del tiempo permitido provoca cancelacià ³n/revocacià ³n visa. Adems, los turistas que ingresaron sin visa pierden ese derecho.Otras consecuencias:posible expulsià ³n o deportacià ³nimposibilidad de solicitar cambio visa o extensià ³nse limitan los caminos para regular la situacià ³ncastigo de 3 o 10 aà ±os, una vez que se est fuera de EE.UU.dificultad para volver a obtener una visa americanaSegà ºn datos del Departamento de Seguridad Interna, segà ºn datos de 2017, à ºltimo aà ±o fiscal disponible, se quedaron en EE.UU. ms all del tiempo autorizado:el 0,51% de turistas que ingresaron sin visa por el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visadosel 1,91% de extranjeros que ingresaron sin visael 4,15% de extranjeros que ingresaron con visa de estudiante F-1 Consecuencias por  permanecer ilegalmente en Estados Unidos   El tiempo que un extranjero no inmigrante puede permanecer legalmente en Estados Unidos y su periodo de gracia, cuando lo hay, est determinado por el tipo de visa que utiliza para ingresar. En el caso de los turistas con una B1/B2 el tiempo mximo de estancia est determinado en el I-94, registro de ingreso y de salida. En estos casos no hay periodo de gracia pero podrà ­a calificarse para solicitar una extensià ³n o, incluso, un cambio de visa. Pero si no se sale a tiempo la visa es cancelada. Por otra parte, en el caso de un turista internacional que ingresa a EE.UU. sin visa por ser de un paà ­s en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas el plazo mximo de estancia es de 90 dà ­as. No es posible ni pedir extensià ³n, ni cambio a otra visa. Tampoco aplica ningà ºn periodo de gracia. Una vez transcurrido el plazo que corresponde a cada persona segà ºn su tipo de visa, el extranjero se convierte en indocumentado si permanece en Estados Unidos. Es lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como visa overstay. Consecuentemente, podrà ­a ser expulsado o deportado, dependiendo de las circunstancias de cada caso. Sin embargo, existen excepciones como, por ejemplo, iniciar un trmite para ajuste de estatus o haber solicitado a tiempo una extensià ³n o un cambio de visa.   Adems de la consecuencia de la posible deportacià ³n, hay otras que deben ser tenidos en cuenta. En primer lugar, una vez que la visa se convierte en no vlida por haber abusado del tiempo permitido para permanecer en Estados Unidos ya no es posible pedir con à ©xito una extensià ³n de la misma o el cambio a otra   Adems, es muy importante que si se est en situacià ³n de indocumentado se cierran en la prctica muchas puertas a la posibilidad de obtener la tarjeta de residencia. La razà ³n es que no siempre es posible realizar lo que se conoce como un ajuste de estatus.   Por ejemplo, Antonio Alonso ingresà ³ a Estados Unidos con una visa de turista y se quedà ³ 15 meses ms all de la fecha autorizada. Despuà ©s se casa con Pili Pà ©rez, una residente permanente que lo pide como esposo. Al principio las cosas van bien porque el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a aprueba la peticià ³n de familiar realizada con el formulario I-130. Pero despuà ©s la dura realidad se impone. Antonio no puede ajustar su estatus y tiene que salir de los Estados Unidos para completar el proceso en un consulado. Y allà ­ se encuentra con la negacià ³n de la peticià ³n de la green card y que tiene un castigo de 10 aà ±os por haber estado ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos. La situacià ³n serà ­a diferente si Pili Pà ©rez fuera una ciudadana estadounidense en vez de una residente permanente. Cabe destacar que la situacià ³n de indocumentado limita las posibilidades para regularizarse al impedir en muchos casos el ajuste de estatus. Por eso, si se tiene ese estatus es muy importante informarse muy bien sobre si para el caso particular que le afecta a uno es posible arreglar los papeles sin salir de Estados Unidos o no.  ¿Quà © sucede cuando se sale de EE.UU. pero se ha estado ilegalmente en el paà ­s? En este caso hay que distinguir dos situaciones: En primer lugar, cuando se ha estado en situacià ³n irregular en Estados Unidos por un total de menos de 180 dà ­as. En este caso es posible pedir inmediatamente una nueva visa. Pero hay que tener en cuenta que el consulado puede negarla muy fcilmente por considerar al solicitante como inelegible. Y eso es porque una de las razones por las que se puede decir no cuando se pide una visa es que el oficial consular crea que el solicitante tiene intencià ³n de quedarse en Estados Unidos.  Si ya lo hizo una vez,  ¿por quà © no va a volver a hacerlo? Por eso que no es tan fcil volver a sacar la visa. Pero desde luego que no es imposible ya que la estancia alargada fuera de plazo pudo deberse a una situacià ³n razonable que se puede probar, como por ejemplo, haber estado hospitalizado.   Tambià ©n puede ser que hayan transcurrido ya muchos aà ±os y la situacià ³n actual del solicitante, muy asentado en su lugar de residencia, permita suponer que de esta vez no se va a quedar en los Estados Unidos ni un sà ³lo dà ­a ms del autorizado. Subrayar que de acuerdo a la ley, cualquier oficial consular puede denegar una visa basndose en sospecha. No necesita probar nada. Es el solicitante el que debe probar ms all de toda duda que va a cumplir las leyes migratorias. En segundo lugar, si se ha estado sin autorizacià ³n en Estados Unidos por ms de 180 dà ­as aplica el castigo de los 3 o de los 10 aà ±os, si bien hay algunas excepciones. Este castigo implica que mientas se est cumpliendo una persona se convierte en inadmisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos. En otras palabras, mientras no cumpla su tiempo de castigo no puede pedir una visa y, si lo hace, ser negada. Sin embargo, en algunos casos extraordinarios es posible solicitar un permiso, que tambià ©n se conoce como waiver or perdà ³n y asà ­ se podrà ­a solicitar la visa antes de que transcurra todo el tiempo de castigo. Las condiciones para solicitarlo son diferentes segà ºn se quiera obtener una visa no inmigrante, por ejemplo la de turista, o una de inmigrante para obtener la green card, por ejemplo, en el caso de peticià ³n por parte de un familiar. En todos estos casos lo recomendable es consultar con un abogado migratorio reputado. No es fcil obtener un waiver y, ni siquiera es posible sacarlo segà ºn como sea el caso.   Finalmente, si se ha cumplido el castigo de los 3 o de los 10 aà ±os, es posible ya solicitar una visa no inmigrante o de inmigrante porque ha desaparecido la causa que convertà ­a al extranjero en inadmisible.   Sin embargo, tener en cuenta que para el caso de visa no inmigrante todavà ­a es posible que el cà ³nsul la niegue, precisamente alegando que se es inelegible. Es muy importe en estos casos poder demostrar que no se tiene ninguna intencià ³n de quedarse en los Estados Unidos ms tiempo del permitido y de que se tienen lazos econà ³micos y familiares fuertes en el lugar de residencia.  ¿Cà ³mo se notifica la cancelacià ³n de la visa? La cancelacià ³n de la visa se produce automticamente. Las autoridades estadounidenses no tienen obligacià ³n de comunicarlo. Lo mismo sucede con los nacionales de los paà ­ses del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas. Pierden automticamente el derecho a ingresar a EE.UU. sin un visado, no siendo necesaria la comunicacià ³n a la persona interesada. Consejos para evitar tener problemas con las visas americanas La visa que mayores problemas causa es la de turista. Para evitarlos es conveniente tomar este test sobre cà ³mo obtenerla y conservarla. Adems, no conviene abusar de las frecuencias de los ingresos. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

An observation report of a faculty member Essay

An observation report of a faculty member - Essay Example Let me start off the relating of my observations by first describing the kind of class that I was assigned to observe. While I was hoping to be assigned to a highly exciting and eye-opening class, I was instead assigned to an ESL class for college graduates who had very little English writing skills. The students in this English 100 class were all college school students who, due to one reason or another, managed to graduate from high school with very poor English writing skills. Gaining acceptance into college may have meant that they had the chance to get a better future by completing all the levels of their education, the problem of their English writing readiness became quite evident when they enrolled int heir regular English classes. Due to the serious nature of their problem in expressing themselves in English, these students were advised to enroll in remedial English writing classes. The aim of this type of class, is to improve their English writing abilities to the extent th at the student will be able to clearly and legibly express his thoughts and emotions through his writing. The professor in this class was a female in her late thirties who felt that the best way to help her students learn how to write in English was to ask them to engage themselves in a writing activity that they could relate to. Which is why she asked the class to write their personal memoirs. Since her students came from highly diverse backgrounds, their English writing skills seemed to copy the kind of background they were exposed to when they tried to express themselves through writing. However, the teacher, who used the â€Å"Daniel Stiepleman Cluster† in her class, managed to divide her time equally among the students and in the process, managed to help them improve their writing abilities in the process. She did this by clustering her class in groups that came from similiar backgrounds. This way the students shared a set of low writing skill problems that she could hel p them address by group rather than individually. In doing so, she allowed the class members to become teaching aides in a way because they found themselves in the unique position of helping one another improve their writing ability through consultation with one another. By asking the students to write their own memoirs, the professor actually encouraged the students to express themselves by discussing a topic that they are highly familiar with and therefore, gave them the confidence to take a chance upon which they could express themselves in English as best as they could. Since this was a basic English writing class, I observed that most of the students had apprehensions about how they should write about themselves and how they might be judged for their written grammatical mistakes. This was a point of nervousness for the students that the professor was able to diffuse by encouraging them to write regardless of their mistakes, which she would help them correct later on. It was her belief that unless they took a chance upon expressing themselves, they would never be able to do so. Part of her encouragement and genius in teaching came from the way that she effectively utilized the clustering technique in teaching the